Thursday, March 21, 2013

sharing time

just a quicky..

sharing my new baby!
2011 Chevy Equinox.
the newest car I've ever had.
and we got the best deal ever!

I haven't really had time to get to the gym, with school and work and all..
but I am signing up to do a RAGNAR in June!! with my daughter eeee!! I'm soooo frekin excited!!

so I have to get running.. like now!
no excuses.. It's a long relay. no sleep, lots of running, lots of fun!


Diandra said...

Congrats on the new car!

Today the BF went and got our brand new car from the dealer - I know it is white, and we tested the same model two weeks ago, but I am all excited to finally see our car and push all the fancy buttons. Our last car had been dying for months, despite expensive resuscitation attemps. Now we just have to get along for the next few years until this one is paid off. (And hopefully longer, for the rest of his - uhm, I mean OUR lives. ^^ )

gracies tough journey said...

Congrats on the new car. I was looking at those. Great reviews and good mpg. I ended up getting a CR V instead on Saturday. Love it too. Congrats I guess to both of us. LOL Safe driving! Gracie