Gooood Monday morning!!
I got my first present Saturday. I lost two pounds!!! eeee I was soooooo excited!!
Me n my hunkaman
my bff n her hubby
Then the kidlets got me some cuuuute lil goodies,, a pink windchime, some incense, and some smelly good stuff.. And my hunkaman got me a barnes & noble gift card.. yay books!hubster made me a diet coke better then sex cake.. it was only 4 pp's per piece! and soooooo goood!! mmmm
I was off to a great week.. the whole fam came to the rec center with me, that was awesome!
I jogged a mile and a half! woot!!
here's my hunkaman and kidlet number one workin out :)
Can't wait to start this week..
oh yeah.. guess what??
I made my 5% goal and ten pounds!! woot woot!!
Now I'm aiming for 10%.. let's do this!
got these at work..
Happy Birthday! I'm working on my 10% too. Keep plugging away - we can do it.
Happy birthday!!!! Looks like you celebrated well. :)
Happy Birthday!
So was the cake better then sex? LOL!
Thanks ladies! and yes.. the cake was wonderful!
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