Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's the point?

I've been reading alot of blogs lately.
I find most of them (at least the weight loss ones) have a mission. A reason. Some sort of motivational point to keep readers tuning in.
I have no point. My blog is just ramblings of a fat girl.
Do I need to mix it up?
Should I add some pictures of good food, or a menu?
Gah.. that's alot of work for someone with add and no schedule-stick-to-it-ness..

But I want to be able to have readers connect with me somehow.

any suggestions?


The Incredible Shrinking Woman said...

I have tried NUMEROUS times to talk about my menu. While it's good for personal accountability, I don't suggest it for bumping up your daily blog hits.
I have found success with talking more about my feelings- transitioning from one phase to the next. People can relate to that, even if they aren't losing weight.
And, FYI- never ever EVER underestimate your ramblings. I find my ramblings are often where the deepest truths are found. ;)

Sugar said...

Thanks!!! I am so glad someone actually reads me!! :)

WWSuzi said...

Other than wanting to get healthy i don't really have a mission!

I post pictures of my food but mainly to keep myself accountable :)

Katie J ♥ said...

You should do what makes you feel good and for You.

I initially started out just blogging for myself and to track my feelings and weight loss with my bodybugg. Then it kind of grew from there. I do jot ideas down when I think of them and then blog about them later.

Michele said...

I think you are doing a great job! Pictures of food would be good - because I love food. :)

Other than that, you are very inspirational. Keep up the good work.

Karen@WaistingTime said...

Came by from Fitblogger. I think you should blog for yourself. If you want to do it for a creative outlet or accountability/motivation or to inspire others... each lends itself to different content IMO. So I say think about what matters to you and go with it:)

Sugar said...

Thanks ladies! I will just keep doing what I do.. totally random! :) I'm good at it lol!!